VBAC Adult Groups
Adult Sunday School Group
Sundays at 9:45am: Led by Pastor Thomas Haar
Meets in the Fellowship Hall
Join us for a more discussion-based Bible study right before the main service! Refreshments are provided.
Spanish Church
Sundays at 9:45am
Meets in the Alpha Classroom
A group for those that prefer to study the Scriptures in Spanish.
Women's Group
Mondays at 12pm: Led by Michelle Litton
Meets in the Fellowship Hall
A group that provides a refreshing discipleship opportunity for all women in the church. The group includes a Bible Study, prayer, sharing, and (of course) food.
Men's Promise Keepers
Tuesdays at 7pm: Led by Vick Campbell & Gerry Wegner
Meets in the Fellowship Hall
Promise Keepers is a time when single and married men get their faith recharged and activated in becoming strong, reliable men of God. Ages 16 & up.
Young Adult Group
Wednesdays at 7pm: Led by Pastor Thomas Haar
Meets in the Upstairs Classroom
Weekly Bible study for adults under 40.
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays at 7pm: Led by Vick Campbell, Rev. Mark Patterson, & Gerry Wegner
Meets in the Sanctuary
Bible study group for adults 40 & over.